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Available courses

Journey of self-discovery (English)This is a basic introductory course in English, most suited for beginners. Details of the course For enrolling in this course, scroll below for payment options, (Course fees: 500 INR, 10 USD) For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses@iskcon.net

10 Lessons
48 Enrolled

Journey of self-discovery (Hindi) This is a basic introductory course in Hindi, most suited for beginners. Details of the course For enrolling in this course, scroll below for payment options, (Course fees: 500 INR, 10 USD) For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses@iskcon.net

10 Lessons
3 Enrolled

Journey of self-discovery (Marathi) This is a basic introductory course in Marathi, most suited for beginners. Details of the course (Free course) For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses@iskcon.net

8 Lessons
17 Enrolled

ISKCON Disciple Course (English) This course is meant to help you deepen your understanding of guru-tattva and guru-padasraya within the multiple guru culture of ISKCON. It is designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation but is also recommended for leaders, preachers, counselors and educators in ISKCON. Details of the course From April 01, 2022, enroll in this course. For enrolling in this course, scroll below for payment options, (Course fees: 1000 INR, 20 USD)For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses.idc@iskcon.net

7 Lessons
796 Enrolled

इस्कॉन शिष्य पाठ्यक्रम (हिन्दी)इस्कॉन शिष्य पाठ्यक्रम में आपका स्वागत है। यह पाठ्यक्रम इस्कॉन के बहु-गुरु-प्रणाली के अंतर्गत गुरु-तत्त्व एवं गुरु-पादाश्रय जैसे विषयों में आपकी समझ को और अधिक प्रगाढ़ता से समझने में सहायता करेगा। इसे न केवल नए भक्त, जो दीक्षा के लिए तैयारी कर रहे हैं, परन्तु इस्कॉन के अन्य वरिष्ठ भक्तों, प्रचारकों एवं परामर्शदाताओं को भी ध्यान में रखकर बनाया गया है। वे सभी इस से अवश्य लाभान्वित होंगे। कोर्स से संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए ०१ अगस्त २०२३ से इस कोर्स में दाखिला लें। (कोर्स शुल्क : १००० INR, २० USD)कोर्स से संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए, +91 83694 25870 पर रास भक्ति माताजी को व्हाट्सएप / कॉल करें। या यहां ईमेल भेजें bhakticourses.idc@iskcon.net

7 Lessons
326 Enrolled
Bhakti Shastri (English)

This course is based on Sri Ishopanishad book (ISO). This is the total course fee for Bhakti Shastri (English) course, which has total 6 modules. Details of the course Number of videos: 22 Number of MCQs: 6 Number of Open Book Assignments (OBA): 5 Number of Closed Book Exams (CBE): 1   (Course fees: 6000 INR, 90 USD)For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses.bs@iskcon.net

26 Lessons
578 Enrolled
Bhakti Shastri (English)

This course is based on the Nectar of Instruction book (NOI). Number of videos: 19 Number of MCQs: 6 Number of Open Book Assignments (OBA): 5 Number of Closed Book Exams (CBE): 1

26 Lessons
521 Enrolled

This course is based on Bhagavad Gita - Chapters 01 to 06 (BG1) Number of videos: 46 Number of MCQs: 6 Number of Open Book Assignments (OBA): 5 Number of Closed Book Exams (CBE): 1

37 Lessons
379 Enrolled

This course is based on Bhagavad Gita - Chapters 07 to 12 (BG2) Number of videos: 30 Number of MCQs: 6 Number of Open Book Assignments (OBA): 5 Number of Closed Book Exams (CBE): 1

29 Lessons
367 Enrolled

This course is based on Bhagavad Gita - Chapters 13 to 18 (BG3) Number of videos: 32 Number of MCQs: 6 Number of Open Book Assignments (OBA): 3 Number of Closed Book Exams (CBE): 1

28 Lessons
367 Enrolled
Bhakti Shastri (English)

This course is based on Nectar of Devotion book (NOD). Number of videos: 13 Number of MCQs: 5 Number of Open Book Assignments (OBA): 5 Number of Closed Book Exams (CBE): 1

20 Lessons
369 Enrolled

श्री चैतन्य चरितामृत यह चैतन्य चरितामृत ग्रन्थ ३ विभागों में विभाजित है। १. आदि लीला - जिसमें श्री चैतन्य महाप्रभु के आयु के प्रथम २४ वर्षों का वर्णन आता है। २. मध्य लीला - जिसमें संन्यास के पश्चात श्री चैतन्य महाप्रभु के भ्रमण का- ६ वर्षों का वर्णन आता है। ३. अन्त्य लीला - जिसमें श्री चैतन्य महाप्रभु के जगन्नाथ पूरी में निवास और उनके दिव्य अनुभावों का - १८ वर्षों का वर्णन आता है। पात्रता: अगर आप भक्ति शास्त्री हैं तो इस कोर्स को अच्छे से समझेंगे। Details of the course For enrolling in this course, scroll below for payment options, (Course fees: 500 INR, 10 USD) For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses@iskcon.net

8 Lessons
4 Enrolled
Level 04 (Advanced)

Mahabharata Characters (English) This is a level 04 course in English, most suited for those interested in Mahabharata Personalities. Details of the course For enrolling in this course, scroll below for payment options, (Course fees: 500 INR, 10 USD) For any queries, please call / WhatsApp Rasa Bhakti Devi at +91 83694 25870 OR send an email at bhakticourses@iskcon.net

20 Lessons
4 Enrolled

This course is for English students, Level 03.  

23 Lessons
1 Enrolled
23 Lessons
1 Enrolled